Join your colleagues and friends in-person in Torino, Italy, where you can share your results, ask question and learn from the experts at the EMC Compo 2024 Workshop. Explore recent advances in simulation and measurement techniques, models, standards, tools and design methodologies in the field of electromagnetic compatibility of integrated circuits.

The organizing committee encourages authors who want to attend the EMC Compo 2024 workshop to present one or more original technical papers within the delineated framework. Prospective authors are requested to register and to upload their papers through the submission platform.


  • Full-length paper including relevant results and conclusion. The suggested paper length is between 2 and 4 pages, and the submitted preliminary paper must not exceed 6 pages.
  • It will be included both in the conference proceedings and in the IEEE Xplore®.
  • Template: two-column IEEE (available here).
  • Oral or Poster presentation during the workshop.


  • Allows authors to quickly disseminate their work, without the burden of writing a full manuscript.
  • It will be included only in the conference proceedings.
  • Abstracts shall be no longer than 1 page, including figures and references.
  • Template: two-column IEEE (available here).
  • Oral or Poster presentation during the workshop.

Authors of the best ranked accepted papers will have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their work for publication in a special issue of the IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications (L-EMCPA).

An award for the Best Paper and two awards for the Best Student Paper will be granted.

Preliminary submission (Traditional paper/abstract)

  • Preliminary full papers should include original, unpublished works related to the workshop topics.
  • The suggested length for preliminary papers is between 2 (two) and 4 (four) pages for traditional paper, including abstract and references, and shall be written in English. The submitted manuscripts must not exceed 6 (six) pages.
  • Submitted papers must clearly state the objectives of the work, its significance in advancing the state of the art, and the methods and specific results in sufficient detail.
  • Submitted papers will go through a single blind peer review process to determine their acceptance in the workshop proceedings.
  • Authors are highly encouraged to use the official IEEE two-column template, either in Latex or in MS Word, available here for the preliminary submission.
  • The page format shall be A4 and the format file is PDF. Please notice that the maximum file size is 20 MB.

Important dates